Scissortail Art Center

There are a few recurring themes on The Aesthetic Elevator, one of them being my thoughts on establishing a retreat (or colony or center depending on your vernacular) for artists of faith. This idea now has it’s own website:

The following is a list of posts from this blog that talk about this idea.

Riverway barns

20 Responses to Scissortail Art Center

  1. Pingback: Artist retreat/colony « The Aesthetic Elevator

  2. Pingback: Idealism and endurance « The Aesthetic Elevator

  3. Joanna says:

    if you establish a retreat, i will come to it this summer as your very first intern. do it now.

  4. Pingback: Artist retreat, felt need « The Aesthetic Elevator

  5. Ann says:

    This sense of need is real. Remember it’s importance has already been verified. You are an artist, and you feel it. I, though not “an artist” (just creative), feel it, too. And I now have a group of about 20 homeschool students who would one day be thrilled to find a “getaway/getcloser” spot to “commune and create” Ann Wixon, Creative Director, Divine Current Anointed Flow Creative Arts Group (DCAF)

  6. Pingback: More on the feasibility of an artist retreat « The Aesthetic Elevator

  7. Pingback: Community revival and the artist retreat « The Aesthetic Elevator

  8. Pingback: Google changes name to Topeka, embraces the Great Plains « The Aesthetic Elevator

  9. Nicole says:

    If you do this, I will come too!! Please keep me posted about its progress


  10. Pingback: Page not found « The Aesthetic Elevator

  11. Pingback: On having goals « The Aesthetic Elevator

  12. Pingback: Artist retreat, felt need « Scissortail Art Center

  13. Pingback: More on the feasibility of an artist retreat « Scissortail Art Center

  14. Pingback: Community revival and the artist retreat « Scissortail Art Center

  15. Pingback: Generosity and tax code « The Aesthetic Elevator

  16. Pingback: Blogging, death and art « The Aesthetic Elevator

  17. Pingback: A Primer on Print Design for the Church

  18. nissa20 says:

    What do you think about someplace in the Sand Hills ?

  19. pcNielsen says:


    Ideologically the Sandhills could be a perfect fit. We haven’t given them much consideration up to this point though since we wanted to keep the property within 90 miles or so of a viable commercial airport in order to make it easier for artists to get to the retreat (or for us to pick them up and tote them to the property). Grand Island has recently improved their air service though, which would make the Sandhills more of a possibility.

    Do you have a place in mind?

  20. Michael says:

    i also have thought about this idea myself and would be ecstatic to join as well. DO IT! please…its what the world needs for sure!

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